Build a .NET Core IoT App on Raspberry Pi

Today in this article, we will cover below aspects,
IoT devices for .NET developers!
.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework that has introduced all kinds of new opportunities including potential usage of IoT for .NET developers.
I am sure you must be as excited as I am !!
In this post, we will see how to configure and build the .NET Core 2.2 app on the IoT Raspberry Pi platform.
Above are similar techniques, you could use for .NET Core 3.1 or latest .NET 6 program also
Prerequisites :
All you need is 35$ Raspberry Pi and a set of hardware before get started.
You need Raspberry Pi configured with the Raspbian Linux system hence if you need more details please visit this post on the required set of software and hardware requirements.
Getting started:
I am using the same Pi version 3B Plus ( Which my kid asked me to buy a few months before for his school project :). )
Please make sure to set up your Pi as explained in the article Raspberry Pi configured with Raspbian Linux system.
Update Linux software on your Pi
Command: sudo apt-get update

Command: sudo apt-get install libunwind8 gettex apt-transport-https

Download .NET Core Runtime 2.2.0
.NET Core runtime for Linux ARM32:
Download ASP.NET Core runtime 2.2.0
ASP.NET Core runtime for Linux ARM32
Download .NET SDK 2.2.0
.NET Core SDK for Linux ARM32:
Upload .NET Core Runtime and SDK to Raspberry Pi
You can use scp.exe (secure copy) command easily to copy the content to Raspberry PI. This Secure Copy utility is available in Windows 10 by default.
Dotnet runtime
Please copy .NET Core runtime using below command
scp dotnet-runtime-2.2.0-linux-arm.tar.gz pi@
Aspcore runtime
Please copy ASP.NET Core runtime using below command
scp aspnetcore-runtime-2.2.0-linux-arm.tar.gz pi@
Please copy .NET Core SDK using below command,
scp dotnet-sdk-2.2.101-linux-arm.tar.gz pi@
After successful upload, you shall see the downloaded file in Raspberry Pi as below

Install .NET Core
Let’s install now uploaded .NET Core packages to Pi
sudo mkdir /opt/dotnet
sudo tar -xvf ./Downloads/dotnet-runtime-2.2.0-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet/

sudo tar -xvf ./Downloads/aspnetcore-runtime-2.2.0-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet/

sudo tar -xvf ./Downloads/dotnet-sdk-2.2.101-linux-arm.tar.gz -C /opt/dotnet/
sudo ln -s /opt/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin
So we are all set, so far we have .NET runtime installed. We also have SDK installed, which will help us create and build .NET Core projects right within Tiny Pi.
.NET Core version
After the successful installation of .NET Core, please check the version.
Command : dotnet –info

IoT examples application
We shall be exploring more on IoT packages like GPIO packages (General Purpose Input/Output) Install-Package System.Devices.Gpio and Device Binding Install-Package IoT.Device.Bindings in the next future articles.
Please see below examples/references to get started,
- Create First .NET Core application in Raspberry Pi
- Temperature Monitor in Raspberry Pi using .NET Core
- Smart Light Bulbs Controllerin Raspberry Pi using .NET Core
That’s all, you are set to enjoy a world of IoT.
Keep learning and Keep sharing !!
In this article, we learned how to configure .NET Core on the Raspberry Pi Linux system. .NET Core is open-source, a cross-platform framework that has enabled us to explore new possibilities including potential usage of IoT.
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Article was very helpful for me . Thank you!
Thanks Stewart for your time.I am glad this article helped you.
Great and very helpful information. Thank you .
Thanks Hans! Appreciate your comments and feedback.