Create virtual machines with the Azure PowerShell

Create virtual machines with the Azure PowerShell

Today in this article, we will see how to create virtual machines with the Azure PowerShell step by step. we will also cover a few best practices on managing the scripts and resources etc.

We will cover the below aspects with this step by step article,

  • Create Azure account
  • Launch Azure cloud shell i.e powershell
  • Create Resource group
  • Create Virtual machine
  • Connect to VM
  • Deploy WebServer in VM
  • Test you WebApp deployed in VM
  • How to clean the resources

Getting started

Create Azure account

Before you could begin, please make sure you have an Azure cloud Active subscription.

Please visit: Create Azure account

Launch Azure cloud shell i.e powershell

Azure PowerShell is a useful utility designed for managing and administering Azure resources effectively from the CLI commands line. Use Azure PowerShell to automate anything in the Azure environment.

Create virtual machines with the Azure PowerShell

Alternatively, cloud shell can be launched using below,

CloudShell – Create Resource group

A resource group is a logical container holding your Azure resources that are deployed and managed.

Create an Azure resource group with New-AzResourceGroup.


New-AzResourceGroup -Name TheCodeBuzz -Location 'EastUS'


Create virtual machines with the Azure PowerShell

CloudShell – Create Virtual Machine

Azure cloud shell provides a command called New-AzVM which helps you create the VM based on the inputs specified in the commands.


Before creating VM, please create a credentials object containing a username and password for the administrator account of the Windows VM.



    -ResourceGroupName 'thecodebuzz' 
    -Name 'devvm' 
    -Location 'Specifiy locaiton Ex. East US' 
    -VirtualNetworkName 'Vnet' 
    -SubnetName 'Subnet' 
    -SecurityGroupName 'specify security group name' 
    -PublicIpAddressName 'specify IP address' 
    -OpenPorts 80,3389


Connect to VM

Let’s now Connect via SSH with the client

Open Cloudshell CLI command line lets upload the downloaded private key(This key was downloaded as part of VM creation)


Please run the below set of commands to connect.


chmod 400 azureuser.pem

ssh -i vmfirst_key.pem [email protected]

Deploy WebServer in VM

Let’s install NGNIX Webserver as the next step,

sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install nginx

root@devvm:/home/thecodebuzz# echo "Hello TheCodeBuzz"> /var/www/html/index.html

Install NGINX

Let’s verify installed Web application by hitting the IP,



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Please sound off your comments below.

Happy Coding !!

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