How to Get File Size in C# .NET

In this article, we will see a simple way to Get File Size in C#.NET.
We will be using a very useful class FileInfo available in C#.NET.
We will cover below aspects,
FileInfo class provides properties and instance methods while dealing with the file,
- Directory – retrieves an object that represents the parent directory of a file.
- DirectoryName – retrieves the full path of the parent directory of a file.
- Exists – checks for the presence of a file.
- IsReadOnly – gets or sets a value that specifies whether a file can be modified.
- Length -gets the size of a file.
- The name gets the name of a file.
Below is a sample method that will give you file size in bytes which you can convert to KB or MB size as required.
static long GetFileSize(string FilePath) { if (File.Exists(FilePath)) { return new FileInfo(FilePath).Length; } return 0; }
FileInfo class has a length property that gives the size, in bytes, of the current file.
int bytesRead; string filePath = @"C:\Test\File\file-input- thecodebuzz.txt"; long fileSizeibBytes = GetFileSize(filePath);
C# Get file size in Bytes
long fileSizeibBytes = GetFileSize(filePath);
C# Get file size in KB
Below is an example to get file size in KB using C#,
long fileSizeibKbs = fileSizeibBytes / 1024;
C# get file size in MB or GB
long fileSizeibMbs = fileSizeibBytes / (1024*1024);
References :
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