PyMySQL with RSA Keys

Today in this article we will see how to To install APython PyMySQL with RSA Keys using requirements.txt.

Please note that you will need to include both the PyMySQL package and the cryptography package if you are installing the package using requirements.txt which provides the RSA functionality.

To use RSA keys with PyMySQL, Please configure the connection parameters to include the public key for encryption and the private key for decryption.

PyMySQL supports connecting to a MySQL server using RSA keys for secure communication.

Here are the basic steps you need to follow,

  • Create a requirements.txt file in the root directory of the project

  • Add the following lines to the requirements.txt file:



If you don’t specify versions, the latest versions available on PyPI will be installed.




How to Test the Application

Create a virtual environment.

You can create a virtual environment using venv or virtualenv commands.

Using venv (Python 3.0+):

python3 -m venv venv 

Using virtualenv

virtualenv venv

Activate the virtual environment

On Windows


On macOS and Linux

source venv/bin/activate

Now, with the virtual environment active, install the required packages from the requirements.txt file.

 pip install -r requirements.txt 

This will read the requirements.txt file and install both PyMySQL and cryptography and also other application packages as specified.

Once successfully configured PyMySQL will be ready to use in your Python project.

Kindly follow below additional details,

  • RSA encryption requires a key pair i.e. public and private keys for encryption and decryption.
  • Create appropriate RSA keys and know how to use them in your PyMySQL setup.
  • To use RSA keys with PyMySQL, configure the connection parameters to include the public key for encryption and the private key for decryption.
  • Adjust the paths to the RSA keys and SSL certificates according to your setup.
  • Consider securing RSA private key with a password for the production environment.

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