How to Track Progress of SFTP File Upload/Download in C#.NET

Track Progress of SFTP

Today in this article, we will see how to track progress of SFTP operation using C#.NET code.

We can easily display the progress of file upload or download in a progress bar with SSH.NET library-supported methods required for the SFTP operations.

We will explore this option using the SSH.NET library for .NET/.NET Core.

Getting access to all the files using the SSH.NET library is pretty simple.

Getting Started

Create any .NET Core application like a console application,

Add SSH.NET Nuget package as below,


Package Manager Console,

Install-Package SSH.NET -Version 2020.0.2

Note: Please use the latest version.

Here we need to follow the below high-level steps to either download or upload the file below,

  • Connect SFTP server
  • Calculate the file size to be uploaded.
  • Initialize Progress variable
  • Define a callback used for tracking the progress bar

Connect to SFTP using SFTPClient

SSH.NET provides SFTPClient class that lets you connect to the SFTP server securely and access files for

read, write, upload, or download purposes,

Below the sample code read the FTP file and write their name on the console.


using (var client = new SftpClient("****", "user", "****"))

Adding Progress bar – UploadFile SFTP operations

To implement a progress bar for file transfers using SFTPClient in C# with a callback mechanism, you can define a delegate and pass it as a callback parameter to the UploadFile.

Define a callback method

Let’s define the progress callback delegate,

Action progressBarCallback = (uploaded) =>
                    uploadedBytes = (long)uploaded;

                    // Calculate the progress percentage
                    progress = (int)((uploadedBytes * 100) / fileSize);

                    // Trackthe progress bar

Above Inside the event handlers, we calculate the progress percentage based on the total file size and the size of the uploaded or downloaded bytes.

Then, we call the UpdateProgressBar method to update and display the progress bar in the console.

Tracking Progress – SFTP Upload file

Here is the complete example for Tracking Progress – SFTP Upload file.

               // Create an SFTP client
                using (var sftpClient = new SftpClient("Host", "UserName", "Passowrd"))
                    // Connect to the SFTP 

                    // Calculate the file size
                    var fileSize = new FileInfo(localDirectoryFilePath).Length;

                    // Initialize the progress variables
                    long uploadedBytes = 0;
                    int progress = 0;

                    // Define the progress callback delegate
                    Action<ulong> progressBarCallback = (uploaded) =>
                        uploadedBytes = (long)uploaded;

                        // Calculate the progress percentage
                        progress = (int)((uploadedBytes * 100) / fileSize);

                        // Track the progress bar


             using (var uplfileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(localDirectoryFilePath))
                    sftpClient.UploadFile(uplfileStream, destinationPath, true, progressBarCallback );

                    // Disconnect from the SFTP server

Tracking Progress – DownLoadFile SFTP operations

Similarly, please see the below example for performing Download file operations.

using (var sftpClient = new SftpClient("Host, "User", "Pwd"))
      // Connect to the SFTP server
      // Calculate the file size
       var fileSize = sftpClient.GetAttributes(remoteBaseDirectory).Size;

            // Initialize the progress variables
            long downloadedBytes = 0;
            int progress = 0;

            // Define the progress callback delegate
            Action<ulong> progressCallback = (downloaded) =>
                downloadedBytes = (long)downloaded;

                // Calculate the progress percentage
                progress = (int)((downloadedBytes * 100) / fileSize);

                 // Track the progress bar

            // Download the file with progress reporting
            sftpClient.DownloadFile(remoteBaseDirectory, File.OpenWrite(localDirectoryFilePath), progressCallback);

Print the progress on the Console

The TrackProgressBar the method lets you print the progress percentage on Console or UI (if using UI display purposes) using the calculated progress percentage.

static void TrackProgressBar(int progress)
        Console.Write("\r[{0}{1}] {2}%", new string('#', progress / 10), new string('-', 10 - (progress / 10)), progress);

That’s all, as we can see we can leverage a callback parameter to the UploadFile and DownloadFile methods as supported to track the progress of a long-awaited operation.

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Please sound off your comments below.

Happy Coding !!

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