NSwag API Versioning using Swagger -Guidelines

In this post, we’ll look at how to add NSwag API Versioning using Swagger, also known as OpenAPI versioning, to the API documentation in ASP.NET Core.

NSwag is a standalone library that allows you to generate Swagger specifications and API client code from existing ASP.NET Core controllers or TypeScript code. It provides a robust set of features for both API documentation generation and API client generation. Here are some key aspects of NSwag.

NSwag API Versioning can be enabled using NSwag and related packages for .NET Core APIs, supporting either Swagger V2.0 or OpenAPI V3.0 specifications.

In today’s article, we shall cover below,

Getting started

Step1 :

Let’s create ASP.NET Core API using ASP.NET Core 3.1 or .NET 6,

API Versioning .NET 5

Please install below NuGet package,

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning -Version <version>


Install from NuGet Package Manager,

api versioning best practices

Add the NSwag Nuget package

PM> Install-Package NSwag.AspNetCore -Version <version>


Install it through Nuget Package Manager,

NSwag Swagger

Please use the latest available version.


NSwag – Enable API Versioning in API

Please enable API versioning using the below code in the ConfigureService method in Startup.cs,

The ApiVersioningOptions allows you to configure, customize, and extend the behaviors.

 services.AddApiVersioning(config =>
                config.ApiVersionReader = new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader();
                config.ReportApiVersions = true;

Add Versioning ApiExplorer Nuget package

Please add below the ApiExplorer Nuget package

PM> Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning.ApiExplorer -Version 4.2.0

This NuGet package will be used for discovering metadata such as the list of API-versioned controllers and actions, their URLs, and allowed HTTP methods.

Let’s add an API explorer that is API version aware. We can specify the version format.

  services.AddVersionedApiExplorer(option =>
                option.GroupNameFormat = "VVV";
                option.SubstituteApiVersionInUrl = true;

I have below a sample Controller with specific endpoints.


I have two methods decorated with version 1.0



I have 1 method decorated with version 2.0


Automating API version detection and adding it to the NSwag list

Please define SwaggerDocument using API Version Descriptor by discovering metadata such as the list of API-versioned controllers and actions.

NSwag Swagger API Versioning

Let’s execute the swagger URL. You shall see all available versions will be listed below.


NSwag API Versioning output for v1 version

NSwag API Versioning output for the v1 version will be displayed below,

NSwag Swagger API Versioning

NSwag Swagger API Versioning output for v2 version

NSwag API Versioning output for v2 version will be displayed as below,

NSwag API Versioning

Do you have any comments or ideas or any better suggestions to share?

Please sound off your comments below.

Happy Coding !!

References :


We learned how to use NSwag to add swagger documentation with API Versioning support in this post. OpenAPI explains how to handle versioning as well as the standards and guidelines for RESTFul API descriptions. Using the Nswag Nuget package and tooling in ASP.NET Core, enabling OpenAPI documentation with version support is simple.

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4 thoughts on “NSwag API Versioning using Swagger-Guidelines

    1. Hi Elena- I have added within the ConfigureServices() method where I got the instance of IApiVersionDescriptionProvider as a service object. Thank for the query.

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