Powershell Upload, Download file Google Storage Bucket
Today in this article we will see how to automate and perform Powershell Upload, Download file Google cloud Storage Bucket
Today in this article, we will cover below aspects,
Getting Started
- Create an account in the google cloud project.
- Install the Google Cloud SDK
Above google cloud SDK needs to be installed on the Server or VM where we need to run the target scripts.
Powershell – Upload the File to Google Cloud Storage Bucket
Let’s use the below image(the official logo of the TheCodebuzz) as an example. We shall be uploading this file to the GCP bucket.
Let’s save the above file to the computer in the path C:\test\thecodebuzz.png
Make sure to activate the service account as below by providing the service account file path as below,
gccloud auth activate-service-account --key-file $googleServiceAccount
Command Pattern
gsutil cp [target-file-path] gs://[gcs-path]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | try { #Source file path $sourFilePath = "C:\test\CloudBlobTest.pdf" #Google Service Account $googleServiceAccount = dir "$sourFilePath\google-svc-thecodebuzz.json" #Destination path $destinationPath = "gs://thecodebuzz/" #Activate the google service account gccloud auth activate-service-account --key -file $googleServiceAccount #Copy files to GCS bucket gsutil cp $sourFilePath $destinationPath } catch { echo $_ .Exception.GetType().FullName, $_ .Exception.Message } |
After successful execution of the commands file will be uploaded to the google cloud storage bucket.
Powershell – Download the File to Google Cloud Storage Bucket
We shall now download the above-uploaded file from google Bucket using gsutil command line as below,
Command Pattern
gsutil cp gs://[gcs-file-path] [target-file-path]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | try { #Source file path $sourFilePath = "gs://thecodebuzz/load-from-gcutil/thecodebuzz.png" #Google Service Account $googleServiceAccount = dir "$sourFilePath\google-svc-thecodebuzz.json" #Destination path $destinationPath = "C:\Test\gcp\Download" #Activate the google service account gccloud auth activate-service-account --key -file $googleServiceAccount #Copy files from GCS bucket gsutil cp $sourFilePath $destinationPath } catch { echo $_ .Exception.GetType().FullName, $_ .Exception.Message } |
Once the command is successful, you shall see the file generated in the path.
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Please sound off your comments below.
Happy Coding !!
References :
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