Create Custom DictionaryConverter for JSON Serialization
In this article, we shall create a custom DictionaryInt32Converter for int32 or enum as keys for JSON serialization using C# .NET example.
As we know the new .NET /ASP.NET Core 3.1 onward framework has removed the dependency on JSON.NET and uses its own JSON serializer i.e. ‘System.Text.Json‘.
Being lightweight for any custom serialization, you need to add a Custom converter.
We shall be following below high-level steps to create a custom converter using a basic pattern,
Dictionary Support in System.Text.JSON
System.Text.Json has built-in support for only Dictionary types that matches Dictionary< string, TValue>.
That’s means if the Key value is non-string like Int32 or Enum then serialization will throw NotSupportedException.
Supporting Dictionary with non-string key
To allow non-string key serialization, please create the custom DictionaryConverter as a serializer option.
Today we shall try how to create simple DictionaryInt32Converter supporting Dictionary< Int32, TValue>.
Create a Custom DictionaryInt32Converter
Create a Custom Converter class derived from JsonConverter<T>.
Here T is the type a type of Dictionary< Int32, TValue> to be serialized and deserialized.
Lets create a class from a type that is required,
public class DictionaryInt32Converter : JsonConverter<Dictionary<int, string>> { . . }
Override the Read method
Let’s add below two overrides Read /Write methods as below,
public override Dictionary<int, string> Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) { if (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartObject) { throw new JsonException(); } var value = new Dictionary<int, string>(); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject) { return value; } string keyString = reader.GetString(); if (!int.TryParse(keyString, out int keyAsInt32)) { throw new JsonException($"Unable to convert \"{keyString}\" to System.Int32."); } reader.Read(); string itemValue = reader.GetString(); value.Add(keyAsInt32, itemValue); } throw new JsonException("Error Occured"); }
Override the Write method
Please see below Overridden Write method,
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Dictionary<int, string> value, JsonSerializerOptions options) { writer.WriteStartObject(); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> item in value) { writer.WriteString(item.Key.ToString(), item.Value); } writer.WriteEndObject(); }
Perform serialize/deserialize
Let’s pass key as int32 in the dictionary,
Dictionary<int, string> dictEmployess = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Use JsonSerializerOptions to register the custom converter,
Finally JSON serialization is successful.
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Thanks for writing this – super useful!