Test case Order (Unit Test or Functional Test) by Display Name

Today in this article we shall cover how to execute and Order Test cases by Display Name
As we already learned other techniques for ordering the test cases.
Ordering on test cases can be achieved by any of the below mechanisms,
- Alphabetical – Order test method based on test name’s Alphabetical order
Please see for more details: How to Order Unit Test cases by Alphabetical – Guidelines
- Priority– Order test method based on test name’s using priority order set by the user providing better control on execution.
Please see for more details: How to Order Unit Test cases by Priority – Guidelines
DisplayName – Order test method based on test name’s DisplayName order we shall cover this in today’s article,
Implement the ITestCaseOrderer
and provide an ordering mechanism.
With this, we will order the Test cases using the collection name.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
namespace OrechstrationService.Project
public class DisplayNameOrderer : ITestCollectionOrderer
public IEnumerable<ITestCollection> OrderTestCollections(
IEnumerable<ITestCollection> testCollections) =>
testCollections.OrderBy(collection => collection.DisplayName);
TestCaseOrderer now can be defined using DisplayNameOrderer as below. Please note to add below two attributes on the test cases namespace used for the test project,
[assembly: CollectionBehavior(DisableTestParallelization = true)]
[assembly: TestCollectionOrderer("OrechstrationService.Project.DisplayNameOrderer", "OrechstrationService.Project")]
One can define the collection name using the Collection attribute as below.
Here you can decorate the test class with the collection names, Ex. Saving Account TestCollection
[Collection("Saving Account TestCollection")]
[Collection("Credit Account TestCollection")]
[Collection("Bank AccountTest Collection")]
Here below is a complete example,
using Xunit;
// Need to turn off test parallelization so we can validate the run order
[assembly: CollectionBehavior(DisableTestParallelization = true)]
[assembly: TestCollectionOrderer("OrechstrationService.Project.DisplayNameOrderer", "OrechstrationService.Project")]
namespace OrechstrationService.Project.Http
[Collection("Saving Account TestCollection")]
public class HttpHelperClassTests1
public static bool SavingAccountTestCollection;
public static void SavinggAccountController_OnGetAccount_Valid_HTTPClient()
SavingAccountTestCollection = true;
[Collection("Credit Account TestCollection")]
public class HttpHelperClassTests2
public static bool CreditAccountTestCollection;
public static void CreditController_OnGetAccount_Valid_Typed_HTTPClient()
CreditAccountTestCollection = true;
[Collection("Bank AccountTest Collection")]
public class HttpHelperClassTests3
public static bool BankAccountTestCollection;
public static void BankController_OnGetAccount_Valid_Typed_HTTPClient()
BankAccountTestCollection = true;
Once executed test cases execution order will be as per the collection name order alphabetically,

References :
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